Many thanks Atlantis.
Have a good 2019.
one of these boes is ( old news ), the london letter on the annual totals, and the other concerns pioneering in 2019. just for your records.. .
Many thanks Atlantis.
Have a good 2019.
it appears this study article has been written because the organization is still having trouble teaching african jws that they are not to follow their traditional customs when someone dies and not to believe in has been speculated for some time that it is african jws that have attributed to the increase in 'anointed' partakers.interestingly, no-where in this article does it even mention their two class system and the anointed having a heavenly hope.
it is amazing that they title the article as upholding the truth about death and fail to mention their two hope doctrine.the following are some quotes -.
satan, “the father of the lie,” has deceived people since the start of human history.
Par 3, p. 2 - If our circumstances limit the amount of time we can spend in Jehovah’s service, we should not feel discouraged. Jesus knew that not every one of us would be able to produce the same amount of Kingdom fruitage.
So Kingdom fruitage is defined as time - time spent recruiting for a money-making cult? Ahhh, trolley-time!
And here was I thinking it was something totally different: Galatians 5:22, 23 - "the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control."
...for being out-standing in his field!.
...for being out-standing in his field!
"writing on twitter on sunday, labour leader jeremy corbyn said: "we have a duty to reach out the hand of humanity, support and friendship to people who are in danger and seeking a place of safety.".
yes jeremy, i know exactly what you mean: i was in france on holiday a few years ago, and the lack of humanity & friendship from those frenchies really made me feel that i was in danger.
If a "refugee" has fled to a safe country (Greece, France, Italy, etc.) and then tries to carry on to another country, they are to all intents & purposes personally redefining their status to that of an economic migrant, and should be treated as such.
However, the EU has a wonderful "open-door" law which states that "asylum seekers have no legal duty to claim asylum in the first EU state they reach."
It's no wonder that economic migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq are journeying through numerous safe countries in order to reach the English channel.
The threat of automatic deportation back to their country of origin would be a good incentive for them to settle in the country which initially grants them the "asylum" which they allegedly need.
Greece, Italy, & Malta would then try and force the EU to review its refugee policies.
"writing on twitter on sunday, labour leader jeremy corbyn said: "we have a duty to reach out the hand of humanity, support and friendship to people who are in danger and seeking a place of safety.".
yes jeremy, i know exactly what you mean: i was in france on holiday a few years ago, and the lack of humanity & friendship from those frenchies really made me feel that i was in danger.
"Writing on Twitter on Sunday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "We have a duty to reach out the hand of humanity, support and friendship to people who are in danger and seeking a place of safety."
Yes Jeremy, I know exactly what you mean: I was in France on holiday a few years ago, and the lack of humanity & friendship from those Frenchies really made me feel that I was in danger. Boy, was I glad to get back across the channel to a genuine place of safety!
All the other European countries these refugees have travelled through to reach the English channel must be just as bad as France!
the possible financial ruin to which faithful & discreet slave/governing body has brought wt corporation, due to all the underhanded/illegal/thoughtless policies as g.o.d(guardians of doctrine) seems to be a very real possibility, as court cases mount against the wt and it's different corporations.. montana just gave a very clear $$$$30million+ shout out to wt, about it's fucked up policies, which lay at the feet of those in charge.
it seems that some type of no confidence should be expressed and a complete over haul should be happening.
they can not keep this information secret any more and they are totally delusional ass holes if they think they can talk their way out of this.. therefore i think we shall see some desperate measures to keep this fraudulent organization financially stable and a removal from power those responsible for the mess..
The org will continue making sacrifices in the new year - and for the foreseeable future.
Sacrificing Bethelites & Branch offices, sacrificing Kingdom Halls, and sacrificing mi££ion$ of donations to paedophile victims and lawyers.
2019 is not going to bring any "good news" TM for the cult. It's become a house of cards.
....if you seriously sin.. w85 12/1 p. 7 - "the intercession of a any stage of “justification” has no foundation in the bible....the way in which a human can be granted a righteous standing before god.
the org & elders denounce what jesus said at matthew 18:15-17 - that a sin should dealt with by the repentant sinner and witness alone.. ask yourself why you are compelled to obey the anti-scriptural "confessional" process which the wtbts has invented, through which you must seek the forgiveness of three elders.
which scripture tells you that they can decide if you're repentant enough, and why would you want to collaborate in such a dehumanizing and vicious ritual?.
....if you seriously sin.
w85 12/1 p. 7 - "The intercession of a any stage of “justification” has no foundation in the Bible....the way in which a human can be granted a righteous standing before God."
The org & elders denounce what Jesus said at Matthew 18:15-17 - that a sin should dealt with by the repentant sinner and witness alone.
Ask yourself why you are compelled to obey the anti-scriptural "confessional" process which the WTBTS has invented, through which you must seek the forgiveness of three elders.
Which scripture tells you that they can decide if you're repentant enough, and why would you want to collaborate in such a dehumanizing and vicious ritual?
Have a peaceful and meditative 2019 - and be willing to see ever more clearly. thank goodness mr. rutherford was "inspired" to sort the problem!.
w77 7/1 p. 401 par.
4 - as witnesses of jesus, believers in time came to be called “christians.” (not jehovah's witnesses?
Change of avatar for a change of year. Free as a bird. thank goodness mr. rutherford was "inspired" to sort the problem!.
w77 7/1 p. 401 par.
4 - as witnesses of jesus, believers in time came to be called “christians.” (not jehovah's witnesses? thank goodness Mr. Rutherford was "inspired" to sort the problem!
w77 7/1 p. 401 par. 4 - As witnesses of Jesus, believers in time came to be called “Christians.” (not Jehovah's witnesses?)
well, it looks like the axe has finally fallen on our kh library.
during a deep clean of the local kh, a brother suddenly informed everyone 'whikst cleaning' that all the old books including bound volumes of the watchtower etc was to be chucked in the skip.. from what i heard, some were taken aback by this and quite annoyed that no announcement was made; that no one was given the choice of taking some of these books home to keep.
i mean the entire collection of studies in the scriptures and others that go back an entire century.
Every JW & ex-JW should hold onto their Watchtower Library CD ROM discs - and back them up!
The org is rewriting its history for the future over-over-overlapping generations of born-ins.